timeless fables for business owners
What stories are you telling yourself?
In your business, are you Hercules?
Or are you David, struggling to defeat Goliath?
Fables are the skeleton from which our beliefs, experiences and ultimately, our lives emerge.
In this book, spiritual healer, Zach Luz, shares 23 of the most empowering fables private clients have paid thousands to hear. These 23 fables still offer remarkable clarity to any business owner in the modern entrepreneurial world.
Perhaps the best way to defeat Goliath once and for all is to realize that you’ve been Hercules all along…
After co-founding one of the top 400 fastest growing companies, Zach left the business world to become a spiritual healer. Guided by his heart, his intuition led him to learn how to help others heal by identifying their subconscious patterns, shifting their frequencies and emerging into a new reality. He now does energy healing privately with CEOs, NDE Survivors, Master Coaches and Bodybuilding Champions with their finances, relationships, spirituality and health.