one day, a yogi decided to decrease homicides.
First, he assembled a group of 1,725 meditation practitioners (the square root of 1% of the US population) and predicted that with the group’s collective intention and Transcendental Meditation alone, the homicide rate would drop.
Then, they meditated. A lot.
Over the next 4-years, the homicide rate reversed.
Compared to the baseline rate, homicides decreased by over 21%.
Researchers estimate that this collaborative, group effort prevented 8,157 deaths.
The yogi did not buy a mask, wear a cape or spend any time running around physically fighting crime.
The meditators harnessed their collective momentum to change their reality and to positively affect those around them.
imagine what you could shift in your
business and life, if a small group of
like-minded individuals, like you,
took advantage of that same energetic
mechanism for Collective benefit
program overview
welcome to the ascension circle
Just as often as we underestimate the infinite reservoir of our individual will, the power of collective intent can serve us in staggering ways.
There’s nothing that is impossible within the context of a group of strong, pure-minded individuals focused intently on their growth and propelling the advancement of others who can stomach true transformation.
You are one of these elite individuals.
If you’re reading this, you’ve tapped into your true potential and whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, you have summoned the force that channels worlds into form.
Imagine what’s possible if your force was
multiplied and amplified
through a hand-selected group of worthy peers
member requirements
Every person invited to join this group is exceptional in some way.
While many have large bank accounts, they are not controlled by them.
While many inspire thousands regularly, they are not afraid of exposing raw truth.
While others may seem new, they are seasoned veterans on the spiritual level.
This group is appropriate if…
you are ready to transcend the last bits of resistance interrupting your natural, boundless flow of preordained abundance
you choose to walk your path alongside others who’ve also made this earnest commitment
you don’t need this group at all, but it’s simply more fun to co-create
invitations have been sent to…
“the last time we spoke, we worked on my fears of being seen…”
“you tripled my income without making me do anything i didn’t want to do.”
“you have a gift.”
client wins
every client is different. results are never guaranteed.
how many spots are left?
there are currently 5 spots left
program details
group healings
Frequency: Twice Per Month
LOCATION: Phone Call
TOTAL: 60-75 minutes (10 minutes in hot seat per person)
Each high-performer in your circle will join you in meditation while the collective field melds. Once each person’s intention has been noted and infused into the field, Zach will begin generating frequencies that make your reality more maleable to shift however you so desire.
In this altered state, you may clarify your ascension intentions even further. Once you’ve shared what you’d like to manifest into your physical, tangible, earthly reality, Zach will pinpoint the source of your limitations and explain to you precisely how your personal narrative diverted from Highest Truth.
Once identified, and only with your expressed permission/knowing consent, Zach will assist you in clearing out these distortions, time loops and outdated beliefs.
Most will feel the physical change as the quantum shift occurs.
After your turn, the rest of the group will share their deep desires while Zach pinpoints their blockages. We will progress until everyone in attendance has been served extensively.
It is very common for you to benefit from overlapping energy clearings. The clearings that each Member requests are extremely likely to synchronize with whatever is “up” for you.
We will repeat this the following week.
Frequency: once Per Month
TOTAL: 120 minutes
Each individual in your group is well-accomplished and has participated in several masterminds. To amplify the energy clearings and to accelerate the intimacy of the group, we meet monthly to leverage collective resources for collective gain.
With advertising experts, 7-figure business owners, proven intuitives and former professional athletes on each call, it would be silly to ignore the power of our experiences and networks.
With generosity as a core value to all who enter this space, each member of your Ascension Circle, will gladly assist you in your pursuits, not out of obligation, but because of their character.
If you are willing to ask vulnerably, yet respectfully, your Ascension Circle will know exactly how to assist.
These meetings last 120 minutes and will be held over Zoom.
No interruptions. Strong Wi-Fi.
Confidentiality is required.
It is highly likely that these individuals will blossom into personal friends who will continue contributing to your life, after the conclusion of the program.
Week 1
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 2
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 3
mastermind (via zoom) | 120 minutes
Week 4
Week 5
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 6
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 7
mastermind (via zoom) | 120 minutes
Week 8
Week 9
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 10
Group Healing (Round-Robin Style) | 60 minutes
Week 11
mastermind (via zoom) | 120 minutes
Week 12
program cost
single payment
payment plan
3 payments
to secure your spot, deposit is $500
to reserve, please contact us directly at 925.323.7998
text or phone call is preferred
if you have any questions or concerns, text/call/audio message us.