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6 month program

the elevated ceo


"Whenever you can, act as a liberator. Freedom, dignity, wealth - these three together constitute the greatest happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die."

-Cyrus the great, 4th century king, persian empire

THIS PROGRAM IS FOR business owners stuck at $10k/month. they know the value of investing in themselves And they've ALREADY SPENT THOUSANDS ON COACHING, MASTERMINDS, WORKSHOPS AND RETREATS.

They're willing to lead by example, to outwork everyone and be held accountable. 

It's also exactly why they're stuck.

They've reached the point in entrepreneurship where more force, actually produces less results. It's maddening.

The worst part about it is that even though they're too tough to admit it, they are secretly feeling burnt-out on the very business that used to make them feel alive.

Still, everyone tells them they're successful, but it doesn't matter because they don't feel it internally.

To make matters worse, they feel totally alone and completely responsible for fixing this and it breaks their heart that the business that used to give them so much joy, is starting to feel like a dreaded j-o-b. 

our clients have...

  • Raised their beliefs to accommodate higher wealth
  • Increased revenues by 2x-3x
  • Outgrown a scarcity mindset and evolved into a prosperity mindset
  • Ditched lifelong unwanted habits (which immense willpower hasn't been able to shift)
  • Mastered perfromance psychology
  • Reconnected with their "why" and gained clarity on the future of their businesses
  • Freed themselves from the opinions of others 
  • Ended romantic relationships that were no longer right for their lives (abruptly)
  • Started new romantic relationships that support their personal and professional success. Even if they've spent years alone, some clients have even gotten engaged to "the one."

Ready to play a bigger game?

how is this different?

Most business owners are pretty damn smart.

Yet, the majority of coaches in today's world focus on instructing their clients. They offer strategies, tactics and accountability.

And all of that works.

The "perfect" website converts users so fast you're practically slobbering when you check the sales numbers... 

The "tested" facebook ads campaign brings in tons of scorching-hot leads, that are actually pretty good quality...

The "proven" sales funnel qualifies a bunch of prospects who show up to your first conversation, ready to purchase your offer...

But pretty soon, the perfect websites, tested ad campaigns, and proven funnels are replicated and taught by a handful of gurus...everyone copies what's working....and before you know it, your business no longer stands out.

Rinse. Repeat.

"Time to go hire another coach...or maybe I should join another mastermind...wait, no, I'll go to another retreat."

Instagram stories is where it's at now....no, wait youtube. No, wait Snapchat.

We offer a different way.

the "other" way

Instead of injecting our clients with strategies/tactics, inflicting them with motivation and piling on peer pressure aka "accountability", this program focuses on bringing out their innate brilliance.

In other words, they already have all of the answers to their problems...they just can't access them. What if there were a way to tap into your innate brilliance and bring your own magnificence to the surface? What if you were confident without having to psyche yourself up?

What if you could succeed without the struggle?  

the problem

Quarantined neurological patterning

Imagine you had a piece of antivirus software that could isolate infected files on a computer's hard disk, to prevent them from further damage. so, files put in quarantine are no longer capable of infecting their hosting system. Pretty smart, right?

The only problem is that quarantined files can't be revised. That means no upgrades, no updates or new software.

Would you run your business with outdated software from 20 years ago? 


....This happens inside our brains, too. 

ever wonder why you can't overcome negative habits, that seem so simple to beat?

ever wonder why you face the same challenges over and over and over, again?

Ever wonder why you can't breakthrough "revenue ceilings" no matter if you work your ass off or if you don't do anything?


without survival threat,

the pre-frontal cortex directs everything.



under survival threat,

the r-complex overrides the pre-frontals.



the problem is that our r-complex doesn't track time. 



therefore, survival threats in the past, prevent us from acting how we'd like, in the present.


As my mentors Carl Buccheit, Michelle Masters and Carla Camou so eloquently summarize, "The problem is that most of us are still using the 'free version' of our brain's operating software." 

And this is what I help you revise. 

As a coach, my job is to bring your inner brilliance to the surface.

In other words, I am a glorified I.T. nerd for your brain. 

When business owners, who are already pretty damn smart, get to decide which software upgrades to install into their brain...guess what happens? 

big, fat, juicy results. 

  • 200% Revenue gain after only 6 conversations

  • Fearlessly approaching "The most beautiful woman in the room" 

  • The courage to shift industries, despite already having 7-figure success in one that's not 100% aligned with the client

  • Getting engaged to a soul-mate after only 2 conversations

  • Going from $10k/mo. to $30k/mo. without having to do anything you don't want to do. 

the risk

There are risks with this kind of work. Changes can be very abrupt.

One client wanted to have "untouchable self-worth" and didn't want to have to constantly be apologizing for her existence. She was a co-owner of a SaaS business with her husband.

We edited her brain's software to create an "impenetrable self-worth" program 

This disrupted their relationship patterns, dramatically. For example, one way the husband/CEO created a sense of safety was by subtly putting others on the defensive. It was his subconscious way of making sure that everyone who worked for him, was performing at their absolute best. It wasn't malicious, it was purely an outdated safety mechanism from an extremely rough childhood. He has a tremendously kind heart and I've personally seen him do philanthropic things that would make Bill Gates blush. 

However, the shift in her was so dramatic that after one month, their 15+ year marriage came to a screeching halt. 

To summarize, this goes far beyond surface-level change.  

UPDATE: (I offered to reinstall the prior patterns, but she decided to keep her newfound self-worth despite the consequences)

a bespoke program

Needless to say, this program is entirely custom-tailored to fit your needs. Every pattern is revisable and at your full-discretion to edit however you like. You are in control of the entire experience. You be the CEO, I'll be the IT nerd for your brain. 

1. clarity session

We will spend 45-60 minutes on the phone getting clear on which results you'd like to achieve in the next 6 months, both personally and professionally. 


Get you clearer than you've ever been on the 3 most important outcomes for your business and personal success over the next 180 days. 

2. choose 9 patterns

We will select 9 patterns to explore on a deeper level and shift, so that your desired state can start unfolding, naturally.


Create a roadmap to go support your evolution from the present state to your desired state, with the understanding that every plan must be revised as new information surfaces. 


3. upgrade the 9 patterns


Over the course of 6 months we will conduct our (9) Reprogramming Sessions together and our (18) Momentum Calls.

Reprogramming sessions focus on rewiring a specific neurological pattern that you'd like to shift. These are extremely intense. I recommend that you leave plenty of space after our appointments, to allow for integration. 

They last anywhere between 90-120+ minutes. 

Momentum calls focus on integration, updates and any other relevant information that comes up. Their purpose is to smooth out the transition as well as to keep me posted with how the change is working for you and what you'd like to see more of. 

schedule for Months 1, 2 and 3

We will do the heavy lifting up-front to maximize results.

(2) Reprogramming Sessions/mo.

(2) Momentum Calls/mo. 

Schedule for Months 4, 5 and 6

Most clients are overwhelmed if they complete this any faster.

(1) Reprogramming Sessions/mo.

(3) Momentum Calls/mo. 

4. Reflection session

Welcome to the next level. 

You've come a long way over the past 6 months and it's time to pause and reflect on your journey.

You will have experienced dramatic shifts by now, and we will spend a moment together to celebrate your achievements. 

This is a bittersweet moment for every coach.

We've been through the ups-and-downs together and it's time for you to take a break from this work, at least temporarily, to fully integrate the new patterns. 

This is when we recap all results to ensure that you've received a return on your investment.

“The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.”

– Steven Pressfield

If you'd like more details, please reach out. 

When you're ready to take the first step, please book your initial clarity session.


Ready for greatness?