zach luz

REprogram your subconscious BLOCKS TO attract THE business YOU WANT


 There’s nothing but you, in the way of you.

Beliefs, attitudes, timelines and understandings are the

only components that anyone needs to shift their reality.

This man can alter all of that.

Speed up your manifestations, clear away limiting beliefs,

alter timelines and adapt to higher knowing.

Are you ready?


 How Diamonds (and Leaders) are Made


What Others Have Experienced

You have a gift.
— David, CEO | Los angeles
You tripled my income without making me do anything I didn’t want to do.
— zlata, former miss alaska | nyc
the last time we spoke we worked on my fears of being seen.
— -cherie, NDE Survivor seen by millions on NBC, Dr. Oz, Today Show, ABC & More | NYC



 available on



After co-founding the #380 fastest growing company in the US (according to, Zach left the business world to become a spiritual healer.

Guided by his heart, his intuition led him to learn how to help others heal by identifying their subconscious patterns and shifting their frequencies. He now works privately with CEOs, NDE Survivors, Master Coaches and Bodybuilding Champions to remove their energetic blocks, so they can thrive in their finances, careers, relationships, spirituality and health.

In this book, Zach uses 23 timeless fables to teach business owners how to overcome their most persistent 23 challenges.

“There is no difference between spiritual advancement and worldly success.”

After performing hundreds of spiritual healings, Zach has summarized the core concepts into these fables to empower you to move beyond your trauma and into your destiny.

download chapter 1, now.


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