a roadmap for certified practitioners to turn their
nlp skills into a profitable business
the profitable practitioner
you're certified. now, what?
"Wait...You're certified? Take my money." - No Client Ever
in this 2-day virtual workshop, we're going to go through the exact steps to actually launch your practice and build your business.
no more getting ready, to get ready, to feel more ready, so eventually you might feel ready...
This class is going to make all your investments in personal development, family constellations, astrology, eft/tapping, tnlp, and whatever else you've spent your hard-earned money on...start paying off, now.
At the end of this workshop you will have answers to...
Who is my ideal client? Where is my tribe?
What is my niche and how do I pick a niche without feeling totally limited or bored?
How to answer the dreaded "So, what you do" question without having a full-on panic-attack?
How to explain tNLP to a potential client that so they're excited to hear more, instead of them zoning out as soon as you say "Well, neuro-linguistic programming is all about.....zzzzzzz......."
How do I increase recurring revenues by offering packages instead of one-off sessions (without feeling like an evil overlord)?
How do I do sales in a way that feels in integrity, natural and like a gift?
How can I get amazing testimonials that get people to line up for the chance to work with you?
Why some potential clients say, "Yes, I'd love to try a session," but then for some weird reason they cancel, reschedule, or they drag themselves to the session and it feels like they're fighting with you the whole time, even though you're just trying your best to help them?
How to find clients that are ready to invest instead of clients who constantly ask for discounts and free, trial-sessions?
How to charge a respectable fee that makes you excited to be in this business, instead of depressed that even if you do amazing changework, you know you'll never be able to support yourself financially?
How to transition from working with free clients to gift clients to paid clients in a way that feels elegant, respectful and straightforward?
How to feel confident in your high-ticket offer, especially when your clients have told you things like "ummmm...you're charging way too much" or you think they will.
The 4 questions that will instantly clarify the perfect market for you, where to find them and how you can help them transform.
Which social media platform is best for you to use, instead of needing to be an expert on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Medium and ?
How to build a gorgeous website in about 1 week?
How to have more freedom in your life when you use a calendar?
How to become a professional coach instead of a social one?
How to grow your business by using nothing more than your NLP skills instead of having to learn about ascension models, tripwires, e-mail marketing, copywriting, networking tactics and all the stuff that makes the helper in you want to vomit in your mouth just a lil'.
How to automate all the annoying stuff - calendars, websites, landing pages, domains, scheduling, session reminders, accepting payments, etc.
How to grow your business by filling out 1 worksheet per week that is so simple that even my grandma could do it?
anubhav jain
brag point 1
brag point 2
brag point 3
Asks an average of 44 questions per hour
zach luz
Studied @ NLP Marin through Holographic III
Co-founder of William Painter
Circled Globe While Running Remote Business
Apparently thinks he's a rapper, according to this picture
the outline
what we'll cover
Discover Your Dream Client with 4 Questions
Get Over Yourself, They Need You
Rack Up Testimonials
Shift Your Identity from Recreational to Professional
Getting Paid Without Feeling Like an Evil Overlord Destroying People's Dreams
Fill Your Calendar With Freebies
Craft Your Cocktail Party Pitch
Shifting From Freebie Clients to Paid Clients
Master the Enrollment Conversation
How to Raise Your Prices
3. Systems for scale
How to Automate All the Annoying Stuff: Appointments/Booking/Payment/Reminders/Cancellations
Turn Your Business Into a Game You Actually Can Win Every Week
Working ON the Business: Business Owner Vs. Self-Employed
The Pivot Launch: How to Launch Your Website in 1 Week
Control Your Schedule Without Ever Scheduling Anything, Ever Again
Beautiful Marketing: 5-minute Photoshop Tricks for Powerful Images/Copy
Step Into Your Proper Energetic Authority as a Coach
Quantum Priming
The Coach in Your Cosmos: Dialogues with Your Higher Self
5. hippie stuff
what will taking this course do for you?
"a coach without clients is not a coach." - Steve chandler
i'm so damn lucky to have been trained at nlp marin.
it's where i was certified in transformational nlp and even though my teachers are far too humble to accept the praise... i'd argue that carl, michelle and carla are some of the best educators in the nation (and arguably the world).
they're absolutely the main reason why my practice has blossomed.
if you're reading this, you probably have lots of appreciation for your your teachers and the education you received, as well.
i remember sitting in my chair at training, looking around the conference room, wondering how the hell i made it into this room. the only thing more impressive than my teachers, were my classmates. some of my classmates were advising ceos & presidents, others had 7-figure coaching businesses and others had booming psychotherapy practices.
everyone was so smart and had so much talent at tnlp. as one of the youngest in the room, i felt like i had to prove myself.
at times, it was pretty intimidating to be around so many other highly-skilled practitioners. I'd compare myself to them regularly, and i always hoped i was one of the "good ones."
yet, as we "practiced" our techniques on each other, the transformations started pouring into our lives.
my classmates would share their relationship breakthroughs and then i'd notice that my own romantic relationship had dramatically improved, too.
My peers would share that they just landed their biggest business deal ever, then i'd notice that my business was reaching new heights, too.
the journey was a magical one and it was so cool to see the sheer beauty of this work unfolding to enrich everyone's lives.
but even though i witnessed the magic on a daily basis, i still didn't feel like i could ethically charge for this kind of work.
in fact, i felt like a total creep when i'd ask clients to pay me. i wished that the clients would just show up, the money part would take care of itself and i could just coach them.
i had a sincere desire to help others but my financial-phobias were absolutely killing my practice. Sometimes I'd summon enough courage to accept donations or if i really wanted to stretch beyond my comfort zone, I'd timidly and apologetically charge $50 per session.
it was so demoralizing because even when i'd do beautiful work with my clients and i could see the magic unfolding...i knew that there was no way i could actually support myself financially.
at best, my tnlp practice was fledgling.
but i kept attending classes, volunteered to "go first" in study groups and did tons of work on my relationship with money and my business gradually started to change.
I remember a string of months where i went from
$0 per month
$0 per month again (lol)
then to $200 per month
then to $1,000 per month
then back down to $200 per month (lol)....
then to $2,000/month.
Then to $3,600/month.
Then to my first $10,000 month.
landing one of my $2,000 clients was such an epic feeling.
He was a business owner making $10,000/mo. but couldn't get past this number for some reason. I remember thinking, "holy sh*t, you're making $10,000/month... why the hell do you need me?" he asked me what it would cost to work together and i fired off a ridiculous price of $2,000 just so i didn't feel like a chicken.
he said, "ok, let's do it." i explained the logistics and hung up the phone and realized, "i just made $2,000 in one day."
and this client is someone i knew that i'd have so much fun with that i'd be willing to work with him for free. but now, i was getting paid to do what i love.
landing One of my $3,600 clients was also the sweetest feeling, ever.
i was so nervous when i was on the phone with her, my palms still get sweaty when i think of that day because she was a millionaire and i couldn't even believe that i had the opportunity in the first place to work with her.
i tried to drop my voice so i sounded older and i was shaking with excitement, as she said, "isn't selling to people like us so much easier?" as i realized that she was saying "yes" to my $3,600 offer.
my girlfriend was in the other room but i startled her with my furious fist-pumping as i danced around our house like one of those monkeys with the clapping cymbals.
so, are you just a money-grubbing demon?
if i were reading this, that's exactly what i'd be thinking, right now.
"coooooooooooool story, bro. you landed some deals, good for you. don't you care about your clients' lives? isn't that the real point of coaching? shouldn't you be celebrating their wins instead of your gross sales tactics working?"
(cue vomit in back of throat)
if that's what you're thinking, i am so much more excited to work with you because i know your heart is truly in the right place.
your intentions are gold and best of all, i know you will preserve the honor of what being a profitable practitioner is really all about.
without the clients, we don't get to share our gifts.
without the sales, we don't get the chance to help.
without the signed contract, we have to "sell-out" to pay our bills instead of doing something that dare-i-say-it... is spiritually enriching for everyone involved.
i know the sales part is annoying.
i know the money part can feel weird.
but when you're getting paid to do what you love, here are some of the transformations that can happen for your clients.
i'm willing to bet you've already helped co-create transformations like these in your clients' lives.
here's are a few of the transformations i'm proudest of...
client #1
was stuck at $10k/mo in revenue
despite working insanely hard...
then we 2x revenues in 6 conversations!
client #2
was afraid to ask for high-ticket prices
for 1-on-1 coaching...
lands the biggest contract she'd ever gotten the next day!
client #3
hadn't gone on a single date in 2 years because he felt like he had to become a millionaire
then he got engaged!