Energy Block Reading + Clearing | 20 Minutes | Remote

Energy Block Reading + Clearing | 20 Minutes | Remote



During this session, I’ll call you and we’ll speak together 1-on-1. You’ll tell me a bit about what you’d like to start experiencing in any area of Finances, Relationships, Spiritual Growth or Health.

Then I’ll scan your energy block and describe it to you in detail. I’ll explain it (how it was created, which sub-patterns keep it active, how you are inadvertently perpetuating it, etc.).

Then I’ll help you clear it.


20 minutes.

(I will not hang up on you if we’re still in the middle of the clearing.)


View availability here.


STEP 1) Adjust Frequency Atmosphere - Before we begin, I will resonate higher frequencies to make your energy blocks clearer and more pliable.

While it may look like a normal meditation, it is quite different.

You may experience tingling, buzzing, warming, slight dizziness or other physical sensations. You may also experience emotional releases that seem to come out of nowhere.

If you feel any of this, there’s no need to be concerned, it’s just how your patterns dictate that you process change. If you don’t feel any of this, it still works, too.

2) Identify the Energetic Blockage - Once you give me permission, I’ll scan you and analyze your energetic block (Financial, Relationship, Spiritual, Health, etc.) and describe it to you in detail.

3) Remove Energetic Blockage - Then we’ll clear your block. You don’t need to do anything. You may experience more subtle physical/emotional sensations at this point.

4) Install a New Energy Pattern - As we discreate your old block we’ll install a new success pattern in its place. Ex: If you had a “lack of confidence when promoting your business on social media” block, I’ll help you revise that pattern so the next time you go to promote yourself you feel energized, focused and calm.

5) Confirm the Energetic Edits (Post-Session) - During the session, I can kickstart your healing, point you in the right direction, explain the structure of your block in detail, but ONLY YOU can confirm the changes post-session because I cannot override your free will.

It’s like when your IT guy suggests you delete an outdated program off your computer, but then the computer asks you, “Are you sure you want to delete this?”

You must confirm the changes we made in session. Then the new pattern locks in. If you have questions about this you can ask me during the session.

However, the biggest reason for this is to prevent you from unintentionally forfeiting your power to me (or any other healer, coach, advisor, mentor) by setting up an unhealthy co-dependent relationship.

Any energy clearing that doesn’t reaffirm your personal power and sovereignty is not helpful.


Each person is unique and so is their set of blocks.

While some clients have experienced phenomenal results (in as little as 1-2 sessions) please keep in mind that those results are not typical.

For example, if we clear a self-confidence block, it will not instantly make you able to deadlift 500lbs. That would be dangerous if you instantly became that confident.

Instead, you may leave the session feeling like you don’t have to abuse yourself in order to be lovable, anymore. Then from a far healthier standpoint, you may genuinely be drawn to exercising more regularly, instead of feeling like you need to bully yourself into working out. Then, instead of plugging a deep emotional void with workouts, that same thing can become a mechanism for you to honor yourself. Now, since you’re naturally honoring yourself more (hopefully in every area of life), then working out regularly becomes one way to accomplish that. Months later, you might realize you no longer have to force yourself to go to the gym anymore because it just comes naturally. Then, if it’s in your highest good, you will start deadlifting and making progress quicker than you expected, or you’ll be guided to other forms of exercise that are more ideal for you.

Keep in mind, that for each outcome you want to achieve, you may have as little as 1-2 blocks obstructing it or you may have 100s of blocks to clear.

Each person, situation and energy field is unique.


If you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you please reach out via instagram DMs @zachluz.


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