Space Clearing & Feng Shui | For Your Home or Office
Space Clearing & Feng Shui | For Your Home or Office
After a renowned Vedic Astrologer gave me a reading, he confirmed that continuing to pursue a career in the healing arts would serve me well. However, the one piece that he said was missing, was “an ability to heal others’ land.”
While it didn’t particularly interest me, I agreed to suspend my skepticism temporarily, if tangible results followed.
Without ever seeing the inside of my home (in-person or on social media) he suggested that I make some changes to the southeast and northwest corners of my home.
“Remove the blacks and blues,” he said. “Add a green thumb drive. And in 15-20 days, let me know what happens,” he concluded.
Day 20 arrived.
However, on Day 22, an opportunity fell into my lap which saved me approximately $80,000 in upfront expenses.
Space Clearing is a combination of Feng Shui, Vastu Shastra, Numerology, Dowsing and Pendulum work that harmonizes your office or home to provide you with optimum energetic flow. Several Fortune 500 companies have discreetly utilized these techniques when constructing their organizations.
Space Clearing is right for you, if you’d like to:
Maximize your flow of earthly luck in the areas of success, personal relationships, health and wisdom
Optimize your environment and increase feelings of serenity in your home, office or workspace
Clear away energetic residue from past tenants/homeowners
Improve your overall mood by inducing alpha brain waves and creating an intentional relationship with your space
(1) Space Clearing | remote | 120 minutes
(1) 9-Page Feng Shui Report for Your Specific Archetype