zach luz

meet your energy healer, Zach luz.

Once upon a time, I was an entrepreneur, just like you. I started several businesses and after many failures, I finally started to gain success. As that happened, friends began asking me for help so they could recreate success in their own lives. So, I started coaching others professionally. It positively delighted me.

However, after a short while, I realized that offering advice just wasn’t enough. That’s when my spiritual awakening happened. I was guided into a small cabin in the forest and faced my Dark Night of the Soul.

While secluded, I explored lots of healing modalities:

  • NLP

  • Energy Healing

  • Family Constellations

  • Feng Shui

  • Dream Symbolism

  • Reprogramming Subconscious Beliefs

  • And many more, including: numerology, tarot, Hypnotherapy, Past life regression, Dowsing, pendulums, entity clearing, astrology, astrocartography, intuition, synchronicities, psychic abilities, childhood development, neuroscience, fables, brain waves, manifestation, fast-phobia removals, the Akashic records and plant medicines.

Each discipline improved my method, but everything changed when I discovered frequency work and realized that

shifting your frequency is the fastest way to change your life.

Over the years, I learned uncommon techniques for feeling healthy, wealthy and wise. I learned how adding a thumb drive to one corner of my office made saved me $100,000 in out-of-pocket expenses. I learned how asking my guides for signs could direct me to snag a book off the shelf which just so happened to have my future soulmate’s name written on the exact page I flipped to with my eyes closed.

Naturally, I put these techniques into use in my healing practice…

…and watched my clients’ income levels spike as their happiness blossomed. Most importantly, they started to reclaim their power over the invisible forces that plagued them. I learned how to help others decipher how their own invisible forces worked and was gifted with the ability to help others edit their destiny by clearly explaining how the invisible forces were affecting them and which small changes could eliminate their problems.

  • Clients income tripled.

  • They got married.

  • They got into relationships after spending decades alone.

  • Their limps disappeared.

  • They’d exit toxic relationships.

It was surreal.

I got more in those 2 hours than I did in 3 days of Landmark Forum.
— *Privacy Requested, Meditation Teacher, Speaker & Author

I had a really hard time accepting that any of it was real.

In fact, I hid my gifts from the world for years because I didn’t want to scare people away.

I never wanted to be a weird, touchy-feely healer, but here we are.

I’m snapping my fingers with my eyes closed and insisting that whether you can feel the frequencies or not, they’re working.

in order to guide others through their spiritual awakenings, I had to go through mine first.

To spare you the gut-wrenching details, I went through my own Dark Night of the Soul and got the sampler platter of betrayal, helplessness, deceit, fear, confusion and isolation.

After years of inner work, and through performing hundreds, if not thousands of sessions, I became incredibly good at the art of transformation. Cutting away distorted beliefs, patterns or frequencies that were obstructing the client’s natural beauty from being perceived.

leaders and diamonds are made in the same way.

In Greek, the word diamond means “invincible, unconquerable.” Born deep within the Earth’s core, diamonds begin their journey by having so much pressure thrust upon them that their very molecular structure alters. 

Before they’ve even started their journey, they’re fundamentally different than everyone else. 

Eventually, the pressure becomes so strong that the stones have no choice but to explode upwards. Enormous slabs of stone engulf the diamonds and hide their brilliance. 

This is when the crushing begins. 

These stone slabs are crushed over and over and over. Call it an “ego death” but they have to be small enough to be shaped by the hands of a master. 

They then traverse uphill along a slippery, conveyer belt. Water is poured on the belt, washing away everything else that is NOT a diamond. 

Diamonds have a knack for making progress despite facing uphill battles. 

Once they reach the top, they are then sent to a master cutter. The cutter’s tools must be made from diamond dust. Since, The only thing strong enough to shape a diamond….is another diamond.

Once the master cutter examines the diamond, and recognizes it’s highest, grandest, most brilliant potential, he begins cutting. 

Every cut he makes respects the unique arrangement of each diamond he is blessed to hold. With precision, delicacy and authority he begins chipping away at the last bits of clouded stone to finally unveil the brilliance that’s always been there. 

Diamonds have been rumored to bring luck to ancient kings in battle, they’ve been coveted by royalty, they symbolize a love that never dies. 

As Antoine de Saint Exupery states, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

It’s time to own your brilliance. 

There is nothing more spiritual than the full manifestation of that which you desire.
— Abraham Hicks

 are you ready to

  • access your ideal identity?

  • eliminate your limiting subconscious beliefs?

  • transcend self-sabotaging patterns?

  • unveil the highest expression of your unique frequency?



